About Illumine

ILLUMINE is an Erasmus+ co-funded project that helps school teachers make use of evidence-based teaching practices.

The project is a continuation of the multidisciplinary ILLUMINATED project that brought together educators, social enterprises, and researchers from neuroscience, education, and learning technologies to create professional development resources for teachers. While ILLUMINATED produced two 2-hour workshops, ILLUMINE offers a 20-hour professional development course that is supported by a web-based technology, a digital handbook, and classroom materials.

The focus of ILLUMINE is on supporting teachers in creating and sharing case studies created from their use of evidence-based teaching practices. The ILLUMINE platform (web-based technology) works in conjunction with the professional development course (Toolkit) to guide teachers through the process of planning their case studies (which we refer to as “research lessons”), implementing them with their students, reflecting on what occurred, and sharing lessons learned from their experiences. The overall aim of the project is to develop the inquiry stance of educators and foster a mindset of “teachers as researchers”.

ILLUMINE addresses school education teachers, by proving the space, the resources and the learning community to:

●  improve initial and continuing professional development
●  develop more appropriate, diversified, and innovative teaching practices
●  improve digital competences
●  foster peer-based, collaborative and focused involvement of teachers
●  improve knowledge about learning and evidence-based practices
●  provide practical 'ready-to-use' materials
●  contribute toward the professionalisation of teaching

The ILLUMINE team includes higher educational institutions (Pompeu Fabra University, Tallinn University, University of Belgrade), social enterprises (ArchiPLAY, Kokoro Association), and schools (Escola Pia Sarrià-Calassanç) spread across 4 countries: Spain, Portugal, Estonia and Serbia.

The project is coordinated by the TIDE Research Group of Pompeu Fabra University. Similar initiatives coordinated by TIDE that involve the promotion of evidence-based strategies and bridge neuroscience and education include two Erasmus+ projects related to the science of stress and self-regulation (Spotlighters and RemixED).