Structure your classes to include repetition and active breaks of 10 minutes to support long-term memory formation.
Spaced learning is an intense learning technique derived from neuroscientific studies on long-term memory formation.
The Spaced learning recipe consists of three memory activations separated by two 10-minute breaks. The same content (with slight variations) is repeated three times in the same session. Between each repetition is a 10-minute ‘distractor’ break in which students do an activity unrelated to the target content.
What could a Spaced Learning lesson look like? (1) The teacher presents key facts or information for 20-30 minutes. (2) Students are given a 10-minute active break. (3) Students review and recall the previously presented key facts/information. (4) Students are given a second 10-minute active break. (5) Students recall and apply the key facts/information. For the approach to work, it is believed that during the 10-minute breaks, the brain networks previously activated have to be inactive. Thus, rather than having a ‘free’ break, students complete a type of distractor activity. Something completely different that occupies their mind so they cannot go back to the previous learning (Kelley & Whatson, 2013). Possible activities could be drawing/pictionary, making models out of plaster, doing calisthenic exercises, going for a walk in nature, etc.
How does Spaced Learning work? Encoding information in long-term memory frequently happens when our brains are repeatedly stimulated with content and separated by time blocks without that content (stimuli). Repeated stimuli separated by time spaces without stimuli can lead to activation of genes which initiate protein production. These proteins then can strengthen sensitized synapses, triggering Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) and long-term memory (LTM) formation (Frey & Morris, 1997). One study found that the effect of a one-hour spaced learning lesson is equivalent to 4 months of traditional classroom learning (Kelley & Whatson, 2013).
So, rather than using more time to explain something to students, try to organise your class in 3 sections with 2 active breaks. To prepare the first block, think of the content you want to present, select it and imagine how you will present it. In the following section you should repeat pre-presented content but reflect on how to emphasize recalling (retrieving from the long term memory). Finally in your last section, focus on how to repeat content with the focus on application. Distractive breaks need to be structured, so you need to find activity (or two different) that will work for your students.
Boettcher, J., Klippgen, L., Mietzsch, S., Grube, F., Krebs, T., & Bergholz, R. et al. (2019). Spaced Education Improves the Retention of Laparoscopic Suturing Skills: A Randomized Controlled Study. European Journal Of Pediatric Surgery, 30(02), 193-200. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1681022
Bloom, K. C., & Shuell, T. J. (1981). Effects of massed and distributed practice on the learning and retention of second-language vocabulary. The Journal of Educational Research, 74(4), 245-248.
Kelley, P., & Whatson, T. (2013). Making long-term memories in minutes: a spaced learning pattern from memory research in education. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 7, 589.
Ferguson, R., Barzilai, S., Ben-Zvi, D., Chinn, C.A., Herodotou, C., Hod, Y., Kali, Y., Kukulska-Hulme, A., Kupermintz, H., McAndrew, P., Rienties, B., Sagy, O., Scanlon, E., Sharples, M., Weller, M., & Whitelock, D. (2017). Innovating Pedagogy 2017: Open University Innovation Report 6. Milton Keynes: The Open University, UK.
Fields, R. D. (2005). Making memories stick. Scientific American, 292(2), 74-81.
Sapolsky, R. M. (2015). Stress and the brain: individual variability and the inverted-U. Nature neuroscience, 18(10), 1344.
Beardsley, M. 2020. Science of Learning Concepts for Teachers (Project Illuminated) (1st ed.). Retrieved from
Weinstein, Y., Sumeracki, M., & Caviglioli, O. (2018). Understanding how we learn: A visual guide. Routledge.
Language(s) of instruction: English
Student Ages: 7-12
Cilj ovog eksperimenta bio je da se utvrdi da li strategija učenja sa pauzama dovodi do trajnog zapamćivanja. Konkretno, proveravali smo da li je ova strategija delotvorna za učenje engleskog u onlajn okruženju. Učenici jednog odeljenja su u prvom bloku učenja u grupi od po troje učili nove reči na engleskom, potom su imali aktivnu pauzu. U drugom bloku učenja su radili vežbe uparivanja reči na platformi Quizlet, potom su imali aktivnu pauzu. U trećem bloku učenja su primenjivali naučene reči tako što su zajedno sastavljali rečenice na engleskom koristeći novonaučene reči. Imali su jedan test rečnika sutradan, pa nedelju dana nakon časa i tri nedelje nakon časa. Rezultati na sva tri testa su bili veoma slični, sugerišući da učenje sa pauzama dovodi do trajnog, dubinskog učenja.
Language(s) of instruction: English
Student Ages: 7-12
Selle uurimistunni eesmärk oli õppida ja mäletada võõrkeelset sõnavara (inglise keeles). Soovisin näha, kas vahelduvõpet saab kasuada ka veebiõppes ning kas see vähendab unustamist. Strateegia testimiseks lõin veebipõhise vahelduvõppe tunni ja lasin õpilastel teha kolm testi - ühe järgmisel päeval, teise nädala pärast ja kolmanda kolme nädala pärast. Lõpptulemuseks võib öelda, et testitulemused ei erinenud oluliselt, eriti esimese ja teise testi omad. seega tundub, et vahelduvõpe tõesti vähendab unustamist. Samas toimus see uurimistund pandeemia ajal ja kõik õppijad ei saanud igas tunnis osaleda ja teste teha.
Language(s) of instruction: English
Student Ages: 7-12
O objetivo desta lição de investigação era que os alunos aprendessem e recordassem o vocabulário de uma língua estrangeira (inglês). Queria verificar se a estratégia de aprendizagem espaçada funcionaria online e reduziria o esquecimento dos alunos. Para testar a estratégia, criei uma aula online de aprendizagem espaçada e, em seguida, fiz com que os alunos concluíssem três testes de acompanhamento – (1) no dia seguinte, (2) uma semana depois e (3) três semanas depois. No final, as pontuações não diferiram muito entre os testes, especialmente nos testes (1) e (2). Portanto, parece que a aprendizagem espaçada ajuda a reduzir o esquecimento do aluno. No entanto, esta lição de investigação foi realizada durante a pandemia de covid 19, e nem todos os alunos puderam comparecer à sessão e concluir todos os testes.
Language(s) of instruction: English
Student Ages: 7-12
El objetivo de esta lección de investigación era que los alumnos aprendieran y recordaran el vocabulario de las lenguas extranjeras (inglés). Quería ver si la estrategia de aprendizaje espacial funcionaría en línea y reduciría el olvido de los alumnos. Para probar la estrategia, creé una lección de aprendizaje espaciada en línea y después hice que los alumnos completaran tres pruebas de seguimiento - (1) el día siguiente, (2) una semana más tarde, y (3) tres semanas más tarde. Al final, las puntuaciones no diferían mucho entre las pruebas, especialmente en las pruebas (1) y (2). Parece que el aprendizaje espacial ayuda a reducir el olvido de los alumnos. Sin embargo, esta lección de investigación se hizo durante la pandemia, de forma que no todos los alumnos pudieron asistir a la sesión y completar todas las pruebas.
Language(s) of instruction: English
Student Ages: 7-12
L'objectiu d'aquesta lliçó de recerca era que els alumnes aprenguessin i recordessin el vocabulari de les llengües estrangeres (anglès). Volia veure si l'estratègia d'aprenentatge espacial funcionaria en línia i reduiria l'oblit dels alumnes. Per provar l'estratègia, vaig crear una lliçó d'aprenentatge espaiada en línia i després vaig fer que els alumnes completessin tres proves de seguiment - (1) l'endemà, (2) una setmana més tard, i (3) tres setmanes més tard. Al final, les puntuacions no diferien molt entre les proves, especialment en les proves (1) i (2). Sembla que l'aprenentatge espacial ajuda a reduir l'oblit dels alumnes. No obstant això, aquesta lliçó de recerca es va fer durant la pandèmia, de manera que no tots els alumnes van poder assistir a la sessió i completar totes les proves.
Language(s) of instruction: English
Student Ages: 7-12
The aim of this research lesson was for students to learn and remember foreign language vocabulary (English). I wanted to see if the spaced learning strategy would work online and reduce student forgetting. To test the strategy, I created an online spaced learning lesson and then had students complete three follow up tests – (1) the following day, (2) a week later, and (3) three weeks later. In the end, scores did not differ greatly across the tests, especially on tests (1) and (2). So it seems that spaced learning helps reduce student forgetting. However, this research lesson was done during the pandemic so not all students were able to attend the session and complete all tests.
Language(s) of instruction: Catalan
Student Ages: 13-18
How does space learning compare to retrieval practice and master classes (lecture-style summary of main concepts? We compared the performance of three different classes of students – each class used a different strategy and took the test two times (immediately after studying and one week later). The master class students performed best on the initial test. However, their scores decreased on the second test. The spaced learning and retrieval practice students maintained theirs scores from the first to the second test. Students enjoyed the spaced learning class the most, and the use of breaks in the classes helped to maintain student engagement.
Language(s) of instruction: Catalan
Student Ages: 13-18
Aplicar la pràctica espaiada millora el procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge? Durant 10 sessions es va dur a terme la pràctica espaiada amb la temàtica del Sistema Immunitari amb un grup. En un altre grup es va dur a terme el mateix temari però sense utilitzar cap metodologia específica. Els resultats van ser molt satisfactoris amb una millora del 17% en l'àmbit acadèmic respecte l'altre grup i una molt bona percepció dels alumnes en la valoració de la metodologia utilitzada en comparació amb l'altre grup.
Language(s) of instruction: Catalan
Student Ages: 13-18
Millora l'assoliment del contingut aplicant la pràctica espaiada? Durant dues sessions es va aplicar la teoria aplicant l'estratègia espaiada i es va realitzar un test en finalitzar la sessió 1 i el mateix text en la sessió 2 realitzada al cap d'una setmana. Els resultats van ser de millora en el test 2 i amb una valoració molt positiva per part dels alumnes.
Language(s) of instruction: Portuguese
Student Ages: 13-18
Will the use of the Brain Breaks strategy help improve students from secondary school education focus and attention during the Philosophy class, leading to better learning results in this subject? Knowledge test about what is Philosophy. The questions are shared in class to challenge students to participate and their participation is assessed, comparing it with previous classes. Informal talk with students in the end of the class about their perception on how this study impacted their learning experience. Two groups of 15 students carry out Brain Breaks activities, during 5 minutes. The class has the total duration of 90 minutes, thus 3 breaks of 5 minutes are organised to split the class in 4 sessions. Brain Breaks including physical activity with relaxation and mindfulness techniques seem to lead to better learning results.