Work with your students to see the positives of academic challenges to help them learn to better embrace learning and manage stress.
Reframing means to change the way something is expressed or viewed. It involves purposefully changing our point of view (and our mindset).
Reframing can be helpful in changing student views of academic challenges from being negative to positive. This can help them self-regulate, manage stressful situations, and embrace learning.
Many people don't know that stress responses can be measured. In a Stanford university study (Crum et al., 2017) they used saliva samples to detect hormones (e.g. cortisol) and found that by embracing stress and viewing stress as being enhancing rather than weakening or debilitating your body is better positioned to grow and thrive in response to stressful situations. If you have a negative stress mindset your body may not grow and benefit as much from the stressful experiences, and in life we are constantly facing stressful experiences.
So shifting our mindset can help us take advantage of these experiences. This doesn't mean that we should go out looking for more stress in our lives, nor does it mean that we should avoid unnecessary stress. What it does mean is that, when we are facing stressful situations, especially stressful academic situations, we should find ways to embrace them.
Reframing allows us to change our stress mindset and shift from the avoid stress mindset, to the embrace stress mindset. Reframing (also called cognitive reappraisal) is a method of managing stress that works by helping us modify our beliefs about stress. These modifications can occur even through short interventions. For example, one research study showed that watching three 3-minute video clips about the enhancing nature of stress over the course of 1-week improves employees work performance, psychological symptoms, and general health, compared to those who watched videos about the debilitating effects of stress or did not watch any videos (Crum, Salovey, & Achor, 2013).
In your classes you can, for example, try to reflect on both the enhancing and debilitating stress mindset throughout the school year and its implications for academic achievement and well-being. You can try to reframe stress as the body’s way of gathering energy needed to meet the demands of the situation. For example, when students are facing presentations or tests, you can help them interpret the sensations they often associate with anxiousness as excitement. Rather than feeling anxious about failure, help students feel excited about showing what they can do. This approach can be reinforced with minimal strategies, such as saying simple messages (e.g., telling students to “try to get excited”) or encouraging positive self-talk (e.g., instructing students to say “I am excited” to themselves) when nervous.
Crum, A. J., Akinola, M., Martin, A., & Fath, S. (2017). The role of stress mindset in shaping cognitive, emotional, and physiological responses to challenging and threatening stress. Anxiety, stress, & coping, 30(4), 379-395.
Crum, A. J., Salovey, P., & Achor, S. (2013). Rethinking stress: the role of mindsets in determining the stress response. Journal of personality and social psychology, 104(4), 716.
Hughes, J. S., Gourley, M. K., Madson, L., & Blanc, K. L. (2011). Stress and coping activity: Reframing negative thoughts. Teaching of Psychology, 38(1), 36-39.
Liu, J. J. W., Reed, M., & Vickers, K. (2019). Reframing the individual stress response: Balancing our knowledge of stress to improve responsivity to stressors. Stress and Health, 35(5), 607-616.
The Science of Stress & Self-Regulation. Open online course (unit 5):
Language(s) of instruction: English, Serbian
Student Ages: 13-18
Can watching a short video on the positive effects of stress change students’ initial stress mindsets? Does watching such a video improve performance on an immediate knowledge test? In a 45-minute class, we made two groups of students: intervention and control. Both groups took the online stress mindset measure before the class (pre), did an activity, took a knowledge test, retook the stress mindset measure (post). The intervention group’s activity was to watch a positive stress video. Results show that the intervention group improved their stress mindsets but no significant differences in test scores was found. Next, we’d like to explore the effects on a delayed test.
Language(s) of instruction: English, Serbian
Student Ages: 13-18
Može li gledanje kratkog videa o pozitivnim efektima stresa da promeni uverenja koja učenici imaju o stresu? Da li onda i postignuće na testu koji inače za učenike može predstavljati stres može da se poboljša? Na času od 45 minuta, jedna grupa učenika gledala je kratak video o pozitivnim efektima stresa i duskutovala sa nastavnikom o implikacijama videa. Druga grupa učenika nije gledala video, već je učila novu lekciju. Obe grupe su na samom počeku časa popunile onlaj upitnik kojim su se procenjivala njihova uverenja o stresu (pre-test). Takođe, obe grupe su na drugoj polovini časa radile nenajavljen test znanja iz prethodnih lekcija, a na samom kraju su popunile paralelnu formu upitnika o stres majndsetu (post-test). Skorovi na upitniku pre i posle ukazali su na to da se kratkom intervencijom preokviravanja mogu promeniti uverenja učenika o stresu. Sa druge strane, nisu se pokazali efekti na testu znanja. Učenicima je bilo zanimljivo da diskutuju o stresu u akademskom kontekstu.
Language(s) of instruction: English, Serbian
Student Ages: 13-18
Kas lühikese video vaatamine stressi positiivsest mõjust võib muuta õpilaste algset suhtumist stressi? Kas sellise video vaatamine toob kaasa sellele järgneva teadmiste testi tulemuste paranemise? 45-minutilises tunnis jagati õpilased kahte rühma: kontroll- ja eksperimentaalgrupp. Mõlemad grupid tegid enne tundi veebipõhise stressi suhtumise testi (eeltest), ühe tegevuse, teadmiste testi, ja sejärel uuesti stressi suhtumise küsitluse (järeltest). Eksperimentaalgrupp vaatas videot stressi positiivsest mõjust. Tulemused näitasid, et eksperimentaalgrupp parandas oma suhtumist stressi aga teadmiste testis olulised erinevused puudusid. Edaspidi sooviks uurida tulemusi pikema aja tagant.
Language(s) of instruction: English, Serbian
Student Ages: 13-18
Veure un vídeo breu sobre els efectes positius de l'estrès pot canviar la mentalitat inicial de l'estrès dels estudiants? Veure un vídeo així millora el rendiment en una prova de coneixement immediata? En una classe de 45 minuts vam fer dos grups d'alumnes: intervenció i control. Tots dos grups van prendre la mesura de la mentalitat de l'estrès en línia abans de la classe (pre), van fer una activitat, van fer una prova de coneixements, van tornar a prendre la mesura de la mentalitat de l'estrès (post). L'activitat del grup d'intervenció va ser veure un vídeo d'estrès positiu. Els resultats mostren que el grup d'intervenció va millorar la seva mentalitat d'estrès, però no es van trobar diferències significatives en les puntuacions de les proves. A continuació, ens agradaria explorar els efectes d'una prova retardada.
Language(s) of instruction: English, Serbian
Student Ages: 13-18
¿Ver un video corto sobre los efectos positivos del estrés puede cambiar la mentalidad inicial de estrés de los estudiantes? ¿Ver un video de este tipo mejora el rendimiento en una prueba de conocimientos inmediatos? En una clase de 45 minutos, hicimos dos grupos de alumnos: intervención y control. Ambos grupos tomaron la medida de mentalidad de estrés en línea antes de la clase (pre), realizaron una actividad, tomaron una prueba de conocimiento, volvieron a tomar la medida de mentalidad de estrés (post). La actividad del grupo de intervención fue ver un video de estrés positivo. Los resultados muestran que el grupo de intervención mejoró su mentalidad de estrés, pero no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los puntajes de las pruebas. A continuación, nos gustaría explorar los efectos en una prueba retrasada.
Language(s) of instruction: English, Serbian
Student Ages: 13-18
Assistir a um pequeno vídeo sobre os efeitos positivos do stress pode alterar a mentalidade inicial de stress dos alunos? Assistir a esse vídeo melhora o desempenho num teste de conhecimento imediato? Numa aula de 45 minutos, fizemos dois grupos de alunos: experimental e controlo. Ambos os grupos responderam ao questionário de mentalidade do stress online antes da aula (pré), fizeram uma atividade, fizeram um teste de conhecimento, e responderam novamente ao questionário de mentalidade do stress (pós). A atividade do grupo de experimental era assistir a um vídeo sobre os efeitos positivos do stress. Os resultados mostram que o grupo experimental melhorou a sua mentalidade de stress, mas não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nas pontuações dos testes. Em seguida, gostaríamos de explorar os efeitos num teste atrasado.
Language(s) of instruction: English, Serbian
Student Ages: 7-12
One day, a boy happily came up to show how he had managed to solve the Rubik’s cube in 20 seconds. All of a sudden, they all wanted to learn to solve the Rubik’s cube as fast as he did. However, the Rubik’s cube is demanding and includes certain steps, so in that moment I decided to make a little experiment: to divide the group into students with high academic achievements, who are more confident, have a high level of self-esteem and who wouldn’t receive my support, but be left to manage on their own. Students who had higher levels of self-esteem and were left to manage on their own started to give up slowly and their motivation decreased because they did not understand the steps necessary to solve the Rubik’s cube, rather trying to get to the goal immediately. They did not have instructions, nor support. The other group, who was uncertain and saw it as something they would not be able to do, received the links from me, working step by step: at the beginning, they mastered the first level, solving one side of it. Additionally, they had the help of the student who had already mastered the technique himself. They showed exceptional motivation, spent lots of time working on it during short breaks at school, at home; the Rubik’s cube was always in their hands. After two weeks the change was already apparent - reframing activities helped my less confident students achieve better results and feel better when faced with academic challenges.
Language(s) of instruction: English
Student Ages: 13-18
My idea for the “working under pressure” case study was focused on how to recognize and cope with stress, so it can work to our advantage. During the project implementation, my method consisted of dividing students into two groups, the experimental and the control group. Given that I am a Technics and technology teacher, I gave them an already familiar, technical sketch task, which must be accurate and precise. The experimental group had less time at their disposal, 30 minutes, while the control group had the usual amount of time for completing their work, 45 minutes. After data analysis it was found that, in the first group, 30% had excellent achievement, while the rest of the students were very upset, confused and scared during the task. In the control group, approximately 75% of the students did well, the results were no different than usual. I repeated the workshop three times, but during the second and third time I introduced exercises which should help students get rid of stress. In other words, to recognize the stress and by that transform this feeling to: “I am not in stress, I am not scared. I can, I want to, I am excited because I want to do it excellently”. The aforementioned 30% [from the first group] did even more splendidly, while the rest of the students were less upset and scared, having a significantly better performance than in the first experiment.
Language(s) of instruction: Serbian
Student Ages: 13-18
Nastojale smo da proverimo da li kratka intervencija u vidu gledanja filma o pozitivnim efektima stresa može voditi promeni uverenja o stresu (strategija preokviravanja stres majndseta). Eksperimentalna grupa od 10 učenika gledala je trominutni video o pozitivnim efektima stresa. Ispostavilo se da su učenici nakon gledanja filma i diskusije o njemu značajno pozitivnije doživljavali stres nego kontrolna grupa (8 učenika istog razreda) koja se uopšte nije bavila temom stres majndseta. Preokviravanje ipak nije dovelo do boljeg postignuća učenika na testu znanja.
Language(s) of instruction: Catalan
Student Ages: 13-18
Can students perceptions of stress be changed in a few sessions? During 2 sessions, students stress mindsets were investigated, they performed reframing activities, and practiced self-regulation techniques such as mindfulness. The practice of reappraisal (reframing) greatly helped students to change their mindset about stress. Overall, students appreciated learning about the topic and had adopted more positive stress mindsets in the end.
Language(s) of instruction: Estonian
Student Ages: 13-18
Õpitav teema: kahe sirge lõikamine kolmandaga. Samas uurime, kuidas stress mõjutab õppimist. Mõõdame stressi taset ja õpime meenutamist kasutades teoreeme põiknurkade ja lähisnurkade kohta. Lahendame õpiku ülesandeid. Iga tund lõppeb nii stressi kui ka teadmiste testiga. Lisaks täidavad ka kaasamise testi. Neli järjestikust tundi mõõtsin õpilaste stressi ning nendest andmetest tuli välja, et õpilaste stressitase langes. Kahel esimesel tunnil oli mõnel õpilasel stressitase ülikõrge (skaalal 1-st 5-ni), aga kahel viimasel selliseid õpilasi enam ei olnud. Ka kaks kuud hiljem ei olnud ühelgi õpilasel ülikõrget stressitaset! See võimaldab õpilastel nüüd paremini õppimisele keskenduda, sest suure stressiga ei ole võimalik õppida! Kahjuks matemaatilised testide tulemused suurt muutumist ei näidanud. Kaks kuud hiljem olid testi tulemused peaaegu samad, mõned tulemused isegi paremad, sest vahepeal oli selle teema kohta arvestustöö. Lõpetuseks võin ikkagi tulemustega rahule jääda, sest andmetest tuleb välja, et ka 2 kuud hiljem mäletatakse õpitud materjali. Õpilastele meeldised need tunnid. Nad said ise oma aega planeerida, meeldis töö arvutiga ja ka paaristöö. Mina ise arenesin õpetajana ka väga palju. Kasutan nüüd õpistrateegiat - meenutamist igas vanuseklassis ja iga tund.
Language(s) of instruction: Catalan
Student Ages: 13-18
Com es percep l’estrès en el grup? Què se’n sap de l’estrès i de com aquest afecta l’aprenentatge? Què podem fer per autoregular-nos en certes situacions d’estrès? Durant 2 sessions, donant coneixements i reflexions sobre l'estrès, tant individual com grupal, l'actitud negativa envers l’estrès ha canviat, i ha passat a ser reavaluada.
Language(s) of instruction: Portuguese
Student Ages: 13-18
A participação cívica é uma das áreas em desenvolvimento e uma prioridade Europeia. Uma das barreiras é a comunicação e exposição em público, que pode ser superada com a alteração da perceção sobre o stress e o seu efeito na comunicação.