The Illumine principles tested out by students

by Illumine25 January 2023

Twelve students from different disciplines at Tallinn University tested the impact of the Science of Learning strategies (advocated by illumine) on their own learning for six months. First the students got familiar with the Science of Learning strategies and then each student picked two strategies that they tested out on their own learning. The results are displayed on the web-page they created to share their experience and strategies with other students:

In general, the students were very impressed by the results, as their time spent on learning decreased almost two times when their results improved between 17-22%. Students’ presentation of their inquiry was so impressive that now the Student Support Centre at Tallinn University is drawing some of their strategies based on Illumine principles and sharing the students’ inquiry results. Students also wrote an article about their testing of these Illumine promoted learning strategies, which will be published in Õpetajate Leht (teachers’ newspaper).

The students also created videos (in Estonian) to explain the Science of Learning strategies:

●  Distributed learning:
●  Spaced Learning:
●  Reframing mindsets:
●  Retrieval practice: